Source of nitrogen
for your crops

Discover the potential of AzotoPower - increase your yields, improve quality, and reduce costs of nitrogen fertilisation.


Try AzotoPower


Try AzotoPower


About AzotoPower

Azotopower is a bacterial fertiliser preparation that fixes atmospheric nitrogen for your plants. Applied at a rate of 0.1 kg/ha, it makes it possible to assimilate between 25 and 50 kg of pure N per year (30–35 kg/ha on average), which is the amount of nitrogen taken up from the atmosphere and made available to the plants.


AzotoPower contains Azotobacter and Arthrobacter bacteria. Its use increases the soil’s nitrogen reserves and its absorption by the plants, which positively contributes to the yield.


With the help of the enzyme nitrogenase, the bacteria contained in AzotoPower are able to assimilate molecular nitrogen (N2) present in the atmosphere. Molecular nitrogen is converted by reduction processes to forms that are bioavailable to plants.


At a dose of 100 g/ha, AzotoPower allows up to 30–35 kg of N/ha to be released and made available to the plants!



  • Reduces the amount of mineral nitrogen fertiliser used
  • Improves efficiency of mineral fertilisation
  • Increases crop yields


Using 100 g of AzotoPower means that an amount of nitrogen equivalent to 100 kg of ammonium nitrate can be assimilated.

Application and composition

When to apply?

When to apply?


  • Pre-sowing as a soil spray;
  • During the vegetation season: after sowing, after emergence,
  • In winter cereals in spring, as soon as possible in the early growth stages – to ensure that the product reaches the soil.


  • Application


  • Preparation quantity

    100 g/ha

  • Water quantity

    200-400 l/ha


The preparation contains selected Azotobacter and Arthrobacter bacterial strains with a high concentration of not less than 1x109 cfu/g

Important information

For maximum efficiency, the product should be applied according to the type of crop. Top dressing is preferred. Note that for best results, the product should be applied in the afternoon and evening when humidity is higher. The product can be applied immediately before rainfall.

Wpływ AzotoPower na zawartość Nmin w warstwie 0-60 gleby.
Pszenica ozima Findus.
Tczewskie Łąki 2021/2022


AzotoPower zastosowano przedsiewnie jesienią - próby glebowe wykonano przed ruszeniem wiosennej wegetacji.


AP - AzotoPower
K - Kontrola

Wpływ AzotoPower na plonowanie pszenicy ozimej odmiany Findus.


Woj. Małopolskie, gm. Brzesko 2021

Wpływ AzotoPower na plonowanie kukurydzy SY Brenton.
Jałowiec, gm. Ryjewo 2021


AzotoPower zaaplikowano w 2 terminach:

I - przedsiewnie;

I - BBCH 14


Wpływ AzotoPower na plon kukurydzy odmiany Ronaldinio.

Terenowa stacja doświadczalna IOR w Rzeszowie 2021


AzotoPower zaaplikowano w 2 terminach:

I - BBCH 14 kukurydzy;

II - BBCH 18-19 liścia kukurydzy


Termin stosowania FosfoPower: 21.09 (przedsiewnie)

Effect of AzotoPower on sugar beet quality parameters.

AzotoPower w uprawie kukurydzy.

Woj. Małopolskie, gm. Brzesko 2021


Mocznik zaaplikowano przedsiewnie

AzotoPower 100g/ha został zaaplikowany wraz z herbicydem w BBCH 16

Evaluation of the effectiveness of AzotoPower

IUNG Puławy 2022



AzotoPower was applied at 2 periods:

I - pre-sowing

II - BBCH 14

Contents of mineral nitrogen in the soil


IUNG Puławy 2022 (mg. Nmin/kg).

First evaluation date: 6 weeks after sowing corn

Second evaluation date: after harvesting corn



Conclusions from the experiment:

  • the tested preparation increased the absorption of nitrogen by the plants and had a positive effect on the yield;
  • application of AzotoPower increased the nitrogen content in the soil.

AzotoPower in winter wheat cultivation. Grain yield [t/ha] at 15% moisture content.

IUNG Puławy 2022

Grabów Experimental Plant


AzotoPower application date – 18 March 2022 (start of vegetation)

Standard fertilisation: 117 kg N/ha

AzotoPower in sugar beet cultivation.

Root yield [t/ha].


IUNG Puławy 2022

Kępa Experimental Plant


Period of application of AzotoPower – pre-sowing

Standard fertilisation: 103 kg N/ha

AzotoPower is a microbial product with a mechanism of action based on the biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.


There are two types of biological nitrogen fixation:

  • symbiotic
  • non-symbiotic – this process is carried out by free-living bacteria in the soil, non-symbiotic with plants. These are contained in AzotoPower


30 kg N/ha corresponds to approximately 100 kg of ammonium nitrate, making it possible to reduce the mineral fertilisation rate.

1. Bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen (in the form of N2) and convert it to the NH3 form (ammonia) with the help of the nitrogenase enzyme.


2. NH3 in aqueous media converts to NH4+ ion (ammonium ion).


3. Nitrifying bacteria convert the NH4+ ion to the nitrate form during the nitrification process – they convert toxic ammonia or ammonium salts to the less harmful nitrate.


4. Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+).


Wpływ AzotoPower na zawartość Nmin w warstwie 0-60 gleby.
Pszenica ozima Findus.
Tczewskie Łąki 2021/2022


AzotoPower zastosowano przedsiewnie jesienią - próby glebowe wykonano przed ruszeniem wiosennej wegetacji.


AP - AzotoPower
K - Kontrola

Wpływ AzotoPower na plonowanie pszenicy ozimej odmiany Findus.


Woj. Małopolskie, gm. Brzesko 2021

Wpływ AzotoPower na plonowanie kukurydzy SY Brenton.
Jałowiec, gm. Ryjewo 2021


AzotoPower zaaplikowano w 2 terminach:

I - przedsiewnie;

I - BBCH 14

Wpływ AzotoPower na plon kukurydzy odmiany Ronaldinio.

Terenowa stacja doświadczalna IOR w Rzeszowie 2021


AzotoPower zaaplikowano w 2 terminach:

I - BBCH 14 kukurydzy;

II - BBCH 18-19 liścia kukurydzy

Effect of AzotoPower on sugar beet quality parameters.

AzotoPower w uprawie kukurydzy.

Woj. Małopolskie, gm. Brzesko 2021


Mocznik zaaplikowano przedsiewnie

AzotoPower 100g/ha został zaaplikowany wraz z herbicydem w BBCH 16

Evaluation of the effectiveness of AzotoPower

IUNG Puławy 2022



AzotoPower was applied at 2 periods:

I - pre-sowing

II - BBCH 14

Contents of mineral nitrogen in the soil


IUNG Puławy 2022 (mg. Nmin/kg).

First evaluation date: 6 weeks after sowing corn

Second evaluation date: after harvesting corn



Conclusions from the experiment:

  • the tested preparation increased the absorption of nitrogen by the plants and had a positive effect on the yield;
  • application of AzotoPower increased the nitrogen content in the soil.

AzotoPower in winter wheat cultivation. Grain yield [t/ha] at 15% moisture content.

IUNG Puławy 2022

Grabów Experimental Plant


AzotoPower application date – 18 March 2022 (start of vegetation)

Standard fertilisation: 117 kg N/ha

AzotoPower in sugar beet cultivation.

Root yield [t/ha].


IUNG Puławy 2022

Kępa Experimental Plant


Period of application of AzotoPower – pre-sowing

Standard fertilisation: 103 kg N/ha

AzotoPower is a microbial product with a mechanism of action based on the biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen.


There are two types of biological nitrogen fixation:

  • symbiotic
  • non-symbiotic – this process is carried out by free-living bacteria in the soil, non-symbiotic with plants. These are contained in AzotoPower


30 kg N/ha corresponds to approximately 100 kg of ammonium nitrate, making it possible to reduce the mineral fertilisation rate.

1. Bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen (in the form of N2) and convert it to the NH3 form (ammonia) with the help of the nitrogenase enzyme.


2. NH3 in aqueous media converts to NH4+ ion (ammonium ion).


3. Nitrifying bacteria convert the NH4+ ion to the nitrate form during the nitrification process – they convert toxic ammonia or ammonium salts to the less harmful nitrate.


4. Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+).


AzotoPower Opinie klientów

Our bio-products

Discover other Bio-Lider formulations that will support your plants at every stage of cultivation – from fertilisation to effective disease and pest control!


  1. How does AzotoPower supply plants with nitrogen?

    AzotoPower contains Azotobacter and Arthrobacter bacteria, which are diazotrophic micro-organisms, meaning they are capable of absorbing the molecular nitrogen (N2) from the atmosphere, using the nitrogenase enzyme. Molecular nitrogen is reduced and converted to forms that are bioavailable to plants once the bacterial cells have died.

  2. Is it possible to completely forgo nitrogen mineral fertilisation when using AzotoPower?

    AzotoPower can be used to reduce or supplement mineral fertilisation. It can reduce nitrogen mineral fertilisation by an average of 30 kg N/ha.

  3. Can AzotoPower be used with other crop protection products?

    Yes, AzotoPower can be applied together with fertilisers, i.e. UAN, foliar fertilisers, herbicides, insecticides and most fungicides. A list of compatible fungicides is available from PROCAM agronomists and Bio-Lider advisors.

  4. What is the best time to apply AzotoPower?

    For winter crops, AzotoPower can be applied in autumn – pre-sowing, pre-emergence or in early growth periods. We recommend repeating the treatment at the beginning of the spring growth period.


    For spring crops, we recommend a pre-sowing treatment, with possible re-application e.g. with a herbicide treatment in growing maize, sugar beet, and vegetables (BBCH 14-16).

  5. How do I prepare the AzotoPower solution before adding it to the spray tank?

    Dissolve 1 kg of AzotoPower in approx. 10 litres of water (e.g. in a bucket), gradually pouring it in and stirring at the same time until it is fully dissolved.

  6. Won’t the occurrence of frost after treatment kill the bacteria?

    The micro-organisms contained in AzotoPower can produce cysts and are therefore resistant to adverse weather conditions, such as late frosts or periodic droughts.

  1. What are the recommended conditions for the top-dressing application of AzotoPower?

    It is advisable to apply AzotoPower as a top dressing when there is higher humidity, e.g. in the afternoon/evening. The product can be applied immediately before rainfall.

  2. How do the bacteria move into the soil after application?

    Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms mainly inhabit the rhizosphere of plants and the topsoil, where they form numerous colonies capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

  3. Can AzotoPower be mixed with slurry?

    Yes, AzotoPower can be mixed with slurry.

  4. Can AzotoPower be used on organic crops?

    Yes, AzotoPower is on the list of natural products other than fertilisers and soil conditioners that can be used in organic farming.

  5. Where can I buy AzotoPower?

    You are welcome to contact Bio-Lider representatives (contact)

  1. How does AzotoPower supply plants with nitrogen?

    AzotoPower contains Azotobacter and Arthrobacter bacteria, which are diazotrophic micro-organisms, meaning they are capable of absorbing the molecular nitrogen (N2) from the atmosphere, using the nitrogenase enzyme. Molecular nitrogen is reduced and converted to forms that are bioavailable to plants once the bacterial cells have died.

  2. Is it possible to completely forgo nitrogen mineral fertilisation when using AzotoPower?

    AzotoPower can be used to reduce or supplement mineral fertilisation. It can reduce nitrogen mineral fertilisation by an average of 30 kg N/ha.

  3. Can AzotoPower be used with other crop protection products?

    Yes, AzotoPower can be applied together with fertilisers, i.e. UAN, foliar fertilisers, herbicides, insecticides and most fungicides. A list of compatible fungicides is available from PROCAM agronomists and Bio-Lider advisors.

  4. What is the best time to apply AzotoPower?

    For winter crops, AzotoPower can be applied in autumn – pre-sowing, pre-emergence or in early growth periods. We recommend repeating the treatment at the beginning of the spring growth period.


    For spring crops, we recommend a pre-sowing treatment, with possible re-application e.g. with a herbicide treatment in growing maize, sugar beet, and vegetables (BBCH 14-16).

  5. How do I prepare the AzotoPower solution before adding it to the spray tank?

    Dissolve 1 kg of AzotoPower in approx. 10 litres of water (e.g. in a bucket), gradually pouring it in and stirring at the same time until it is fully dissolved.

  6. Won’t the occurrence of frost after treatment kill the bacteria?

    The micro-organisms contained in AzotoPower can produce cysts and are therefore resistant to adverse weather conditions, such as late frosts or periodic droughts.

  7. What are the recommended conditions for the top-dressing application of AzotoPower?

    It is advisable to apply AzotoPower as a top dressing when there is higher humidity, e.g. in the afternoon/evening. The product can be applied immediately before rainfall.

  8. How do the bacteria move into the soil after application?

    Nitrogen-fixing microorganisms mainly inhabit the rhizosphere of plants and the topsoil, where they form numerous colonies capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

  9. Can AzotoPower be mixed with slurry?

    Yes, AzotoPower can be mixed with slurry.

  10. Can AzotoPower be used on organic crops?

    Yes, AzotoPower is on the list of natural products other than fertilisers and soil conditioners that can be used in organic farming.

  11. Where can I buy AzotoPower?

    You are welcome to contact Bio-Lider representatives (contact)

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